An Epic Fantasy Role-Playing Game for Windows and Macintosh
have been banished to the underworld, never to see the light of
day again.
You have been cast down into the dark, volcanic pits of Avernum,
filled with foul monsters, constant warfare, and thousands and thousands
of your fellow prisoners. This is your punishment for not fitting
in, for speaking out against the powers that be, for being an inconvenience
to the government of the cruel Emperor Hawthorne. You have been
sentenced to life imprisonment in the caverns, eventually to die
there, forgotten and unmourned.
But you need not accept your fate. There are those who wish to
struggle against this injustice, who wish to return to the surface
world and to fight against tyranny. But first, they need a hero,
they need inspiration, and, most of all, they need someone who can
find an escape route. Can you help them?
Will you be the first person to escape from Avernum?
is a classic fantasy role-playing game, designed for anyone who
longs for an epic quest, enjoys a fascinating tale, or misses the
classic days of Ultima and Wizardry. It features beautiful 3-D,
16-bit graphics, 80 towns and dungeon levels, an enormous outdoors,
and a fascinating storyline. Avernum is from Spiderweb Software,
makers of Nethergate and the award-winning Exile series.
Avernum is available for both Macintosh and Windows.
The game and character editor is $25, or $32 with the hint book.
By itself, the hint book is $10. Avernum requires either a PC or
100% compatible running Windows or a PowerPC Macintosh.
Minimum system requirements: 10 MB free RAM, 20 MB hard drive space,800x600
screen resolution. 16 bit color strongly recommended. Avernum v2.0 runs natively under Macintosh OS X.
This demo of this game is not compatible with Macintosh OS X 10.7 (Lion) and later. The gog.com version linked to below is compatible. For more details, consult our Compatibility Guide.
To Order This Game: The older Avernum games are now sold as the Avernum Saga on gog.com. These versions will run on all newer versions of Windows and Macintosh.
- If you are having problems downloading or installing a game, we have some tips to help you out.
- Have you played Exile: Escape From the
Pit before?
- Exile Discount: If you have previously registered Exile: Escape From the Pit, you can get $10 off of Avernum. When you order, enter the name and address you ordered Exile from in the Comments area on the order form, and the person processing your order will apply the discount before your credit card is charged.