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Avernum 4 Updates and Tech Support

On this page, you will be able to find all of the latest bug alerts and updates for Avernum 4 for both Macintosh and Windows. Also, at the bottom of this page you'll find instructions about how to reactivate the Avernum 4 cheat codes.

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Restoring a Lost Registration
Download Avernum 4 Windows Update
Avernum 4 Issues For Windows
Download Avernum 4 Macintosh Update
Avernum 4 Issues For Macintosh
Reactivating the Cheat Codes
Avernum 4 Windows Version History
Avernum 4 Macintosh Version History

Restoring a Lost Registration

If you have registered this game but your copy is currently saying that it is unregistered, you can get a replacement registration key for free. The form to request a new key is here.

Support for Windows

Avernum 4 for Windows has been updated to v1.0.1. Download v1.0.1 from the Avernum 4 homepage.

Other Windows Issues

I Bought This Game On Steam, and It Crashes On Launch

Installing From CD On Windows Vista

Windows Mystery Slowdown

Entering Scree Caves Through the Fort Saffron Bandit Lair

Locked Out of Starting Quarters

Avernum 4 Windows Version History

v1.0 - Initial Release

v1.0.1 - Bug-fixing update

  • It is no longer possible to enter the Scree Caves from the hidden bandit fort near Fort Saffron. Doing so could cuase problems.
  • The game should do a much better job of sharing system resources when in the background.

Support for Macintosh

We have upgraded Avernum 4 for Macintosh to v1.1.2. The v1.1.2 update fixes problems with the graphics in the new Leopard operating system. Getting the new version is strongly recommended if you are using Leopard. No patch is available, download the full demo to upgrade.

Other Macintosh Issues

Running the Game on Mac OSX 10.12 or Later

This game does not work on MacOS Catalina (10.15.x) or later. Apple has decided to drop support for all 32 bit apps, so this game has completely stopped working on new Mac systems.We hope to someday remaster this game to be 64 bit and to work on the latest versions of the Mac OS, but it’s a large job and it will take a while to get to it.

For older Mac OS v10.12 to 10.14, this game can still run but with a few extra steps:

  1. Go to your Applications Folder on your hard drive. Open the Avernum 4 ƒ folder.
  2. Control-Click the Avernum 4 v1.1.2 application. From the pop up menu, select Show Package Contents.
  3. Open Contents folder and then MacOS folder.
  4. Control-Click the file Avernum 4 (Univ) Release, and select Open from the pop up menu.
  5. This will open a terminal window and should launch the game automatically as a process of that window. Do not close this terminal window (that would quit the game.) If the game window is under other application windows and is inaccessible, select Command-Tab to cycle through your applications.
  6. Game should run normally.

Older Avernum 4 Installers Don't Work On Mac OS X Lion (10.7) and Later

Graphics Problems In Leopard (Mac OS 10.5)

Gallery Wood Chitrach Event Problem

Program Not Launching Correctly On Newer Macs

Incompatibility With Quicken Scheduler

"Unable to open sound channels" Error

Problems With Houghton

Entering Scree Caves Through the Fort Saffron Bandit Lair

Locked Out of Starting Quarters

Avernum 4 Macintosh Version History

v1.0 - Initial Release

v1.0.1 - Bug-fixing update

  • You can no longer walk past the shareware barrier into darkness.
  • Dispel Barrier will no longer work on the barriers in the north gate of Fort Emerald, enabling you to get the crystal box too early in the storyline.
  • Houghton will no longer deal with you until you enter his office and show him the shard.
  • The sparks on the title screen will no longer look odd after you make 32000 of them.
  • Various typo fixes and scripting corrections.
  • Fixed a problem where the game could stop working properly after Alt-Tabbing out and back.
  • Removed an exploit that could cause missiles to disappear in mid-flight.

v1.0.2 - More bugs

  • Dispel Barrier will no longer work on the barriers in the north gate of Fort Emerald, enabling you to get the crystal box too early in the storyline. We think we finally got this one nailed down.
  • The mangy cur south of Fort Monastery should no longer get stuck when you try to drag him back to the fort.
  • Other tiny glitches and typos fixed.

v1.0.3 - More bugs

  • It is no longer possible to enter the Scree Caves from the hidden bandit fort near Fort Saffron. Doing so could cuase problems.
  • The game should do a much better job of sharing system resources when in the background.

v1.1 - Universal version

  • Avernum 4 is now Universal and runs natively on Intel Macintoshes.
  • The screen resolution switching works much better now.

v1.1.1 - Maintenance

  • Fixes a crash in Hinkle's chitrach event (near Cotra) on Intel Macs.
  • Fixes an issue with Avernum 4 eating up too many system resources.
  • Fixes a problem with items in towns not being saved properly when using cheat codes.

v1.1.2 - Leopard Fixes

  • Now runs in Millions of Colors instead of Thousands of Colors.
  • Changed graphics so that it will now run properly on the Leopard version of Mac OS X.

Reactivating the Cheat Codes
for Macintosh and Windows

You can turn off the character editor permanently. Should you have done this and want your character editor back, this is how to restore it: If using a Macintosh, throw away the "Avernum 4 Prefs " file in the Preferences folder. If using Windows, delete the "Avernum 4 Settings" (or "Avernum 4 Settings.dat" if you changed the settings to turn on file extensions) file in the Avernum 4 Data folder. Please note if you have registered the game, this might unregister it. If your game becomes unregistered, contact us for a new key by calling 206.789.4438 or emailing spidweb@spiderwebsoftware.com. There is no charge for this but please include the name you registered under, which game you need a new key for and your current registration code (located in the lower right hand corner of the title screen).

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